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Spiritual Development

Spiritual Development

As the energy on earth is changing, we are drawn to a spiritual and energetic understanding. Who am I? Why am I here? How do I stop myself from taking on other people's feelings?  How do I stop myself from feeling anxious for no reason? And how can I contact my spirit guides, and my Higher, or Divine, Self, directly?

We all have had lifetimes where we were trained to use our psychic abilities. All of us who were born with sensitive nervous systems and a mission beyond our own life are here to support the Great Shift we are in. The shift from greed, competition, control, to kindness and cooperation.

These spiritual development sessions are aimed at providing a basic understanding of our energetic nature, and sharing tools for the protection and management of our energy fields and our bodies. Once this has been learned, we can move into experiencing a meaningful connection with spirit and the development of our particular skills.

This development can be done in one on one sessions, for this book a Great Shift, but it's better done in a group - the shared experiences will provide much more clarity.

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