The word Reiki has now rapidly become mainstream. But what exactly is it? How does it work? Read on to find out more about this century-old healing method that has taken the world by storm, and to find out what sets it apart from other ways of healing.
What is energy healing?
Energy healing is healing facilitated by someone accessing, and bringing through, higher vibrational energies. This usually comes out through the palms of their hands and fingers, but can also come out through the eyes, voice, and breath, or even the heart chakra directly.
Some people are born with this ability – and often go through traumatic childhoods to harness their gifts and learn about compassion. Some people learn how to do this, through Reiki workshops or other kinds of training – or sometimes through trauma in later life.
Those who are born with ‘the gift’ often have psychic abilities where they can see and remove energy that is stuck or of a lower vibration.
The ability to see energy is very useful, because you don’t have to second-guess and you can remove it easily. When we can’t see, we need to rely on what we feel, and a lot of faith.
For the purpose of this blog, I will identify 3 different healing types:
Healers that remove stagnant, or lower vibrational energies, from the body and energy field.
Healers that have helpers in spirit that do most of the work. In that case, the healer holds a high-vibrational energy that allows the helpers to come in and do the work.
Healers that only channel higher vibrational energies, add this to the system through their hands, eyes, or breath, and these energies will automatically raise the vibrational energy that the client is emitting, so that disease and unpleasant or suppressed emotions can be released. These would be your typical Reiki energy healers.
It is clear from this description that Reiki is a form of energy healing, however there are many other kins of energy healing that work differently.
Differences between energy healing and Reiki healing
The lines between Reiki energy healing and other forms of energy healing are not always clear, as many healers learn new skills throughout their career. Here are some ways in which they are traditionally different.
Traditionally, Reiki practitioners are not removing any energy from the body or energy field. This does not mean that Reiki practitioners don’t do it, but it’s not really supposed to be a part of Reiki – it’s an added ability that the practitioner developed on their journey.
Most energy healers use their own energies and psychic abilities to support a shift for their clients. Reiki practitioners, although they often gain more psychic awareness over time, are not necessarily psychic and are not using their own energies. They channel Reiki through their system, and this has a very beneficial effect. They are energised and healed themselves through practising.
Many Reiki practitioners do not indicate where energy might be stagnant or what to do about it. They simply and humbly channel the energy and allow the client’s system to distribute it with its own wisdom. This means they have great faith in both Reiki and their clients’ innate healing wisdom.
Reiki has a specific structure and system, and specific knowledge that is taught. Practitioners have an understanding of chakra and energy systems and how to work with them. Most teachers will add some idea of protection, grounding, and energy clearing. Reiki workshops also include specific initiations at specific intervals.
Note: Initiations are rituals where a student is transferred into a new state by connecting them directly to the Reiki energy.
Reiki energy healing is also very simple. You are initiated, intend to give Reiki, and your hands will start to tingle or warm up with beautiful healing energy. This flows through the practitioner, and that’s why you will find that after giving Reiki, the practitioner looks super relaxed as well.
Who benefits from Reiki energy healing treatments?
Everybody. If we all have regular Reiki treatments, we will be less stressed, happier and therefore better people. I also believe that this will change how we live on earth. This is the vision for my company, Soul Direction.
Personally, I have had a full year of weekly Reiki energy treatments, and found that most of my issues and aches and pains disappeared. I felt light, happy and able to deal with anything that came my way. This has obviously to be sustained by other work – counselling, coaching or shadow work – so that our behaviour that is caused by pain can be consciously dissolved. If you are interested in that, you may also want to check out my course, The Warrior Journey
Most people come to a practitioner when they are facing a crisis. An illness, diagnosis, a divorce, or accident. Once the crisis is managed, they stop their treatment and go back to their old ways of being. This is how we are wired, and also how we were taught from an early age. However, I would make a case for having regular healing treatments to avoid getting into crisis.
I strongly recommend anybody who feels stressed on a regular basis, or who starts to exhibit imbalances in the body, has fortnightly or monthly healing treatments.
Reiki treatments can be very beneficial for the following:
Stress. Science has made us aware of how bad continual stress is for the body. It causes issues with our digestion, our hormones, toxicity, our eyes, and nervous system. Most illness, and especially chronic illness, has been created by stress and stressful ways of living and behaving. Stress causes low moods, overwhelm and negativity which creates a vicious circle.
Healing journeys. Once you are aware that you are not well or not fully balanced in the body or mind, you can have regular Reiki treatments to reduce symptoms and find peace and health. I’ve personally seen amazing change for people with irritable bowel, asthma and allergies.
Accidents and injuries.I’ve seen athletes heal incredibly fast, so fast that even I was shocked with the results. One of my earliest clients was a retired Olympic athlete. He had to stop running because one leg had grown longer than the other through running on uneven terrain. It only took him one session to be training again – and that hadn’t even been his intention!
Relationships. It makes sense that if you are feeling good in your body and energies, you’ll be a better partner. And you’ll find better solutions for dealing with recurring issues. This kind of healing journey is often very successful if you combine it with either soul/life coaching or counselling, and that’s why I often team up with therapists in the area.
Finding the right Reiki energy healer for you
The best way to find the right healer for you, is to form an intent to meet the right person. Then let it go, and you will meet someone when you’re ready. Of course, if you prefer to be more active, there is always Google Search.
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